Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is the Difference between Private cloud n SAAS in cloud computing?

when i searched on Topic cloud computing i got two kinds of answer for the "Types Of Cloud Computing" :--%26gt;1st info is telling that there are three types such as ---%26gt;1)Private cloud 2)Public cloud,n3) Hybrid cloud n

2nd info is telling that there are 3 types such as 1)Infrastructure as a Service(IAAS) 2) Platform as a Service(PAAS) 3)Software as a Service (SAAS) now i'm getting confuse which 1 is correct can any1 tell me Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I really want quick ANSWER?What is the Difference between Private cloud n SAAS in cloud computing?
Both are actually correct, just with different interpretations of the phrase "types of clouds".

IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS are essentially descriptions of what types of services you can use. Public, Private, and Hybrid are how those services are delivered.

You can also think of IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS as three levels of cloud computing, and each level can be public, private, or a hybrid.

IAAS is the idea of providing systems (like Amazon EC2) that live in the cloud--in effect, you don't care where the system lives, only that it has a certain amount of processing capabilities, a certain amount of memory, and a certain amount of storage.

PAAS is the idea of providing an execution environment (like Google's App Engine), where your application runs.

SAAS is an actual application (like Google Docs) that runs on a PAAS (like Google's App Engine).

A public cloud can be accessed by anyone (it's available to the wider internet). In other words, this is what you have when you pay Amazon to host your virtual servers in the cloud.

A private cloud would be a method used by data centers to manage their systems, where they control the hardware, management software, and applications.

A hybrid is a mixture of public and private (maybe you own the hardware, and pay someone else to use their software).

Hope this helps!

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