Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What type of wirelss connection is used in "Cloud Computing"? Is it wi-fi for computers and 3G/4G for phones?

Also, is it likely the companies like Verizon and AT%26amp;T will soon, if not already, provide wireless connection service for "Cloud Computing" for Apple iPads and such?

The answer I'm really looking for is if its wi-fi or 3G/4G connection used in "Cloud Computing". And if it is either wi-fi or 3G/4G connections used in "Cloud Computing", what companies are creating the hardware/software and providing the services needed to make the connection from the "Cloud" server to my PC at home.What type of wirelss connection is used in "Cloud Computing"? Is it wi-fi for computers and 3G/4G for phones?
Traditionally if you had an application used by several users you would have a little data centre in which you would have some server computers. If you grow big you end up with a very large data centre and probably data centres all over the world.

Cloud computing is the notion that rather than running the application on your own hardware, you run the application on someone else's computer. To your clients it should make no difference to them, they just see a web page as they always did or would have done.

So questions about wifi and 3G connections make no sense; provided you have some kind of internet connection, you can connect to the cloud.

Some of the big players in cloud computing are Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

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