Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cloud computing in sofware testing?

Hi..I am trying for s/w testing job, want to know the the definition, explanation, importance of cloud computing in s/w testing, its architecture, what level of knowledge of cloud computing is enough for a test engineer???Cloud computing in sofware testing?
I personally don't feel that this would be a great area of scope as testing in a cloud environment. There are some basics in cloud computing which you should know , you can study that from web or from some book .

In my opinion cloud will make software easy by using Software as a Service (Saas) and Utility Computing , but that ease is in the hardware part there is so much simplicity that there is not a great scope of special testing.

Hence cloud computing testing is not at all different that the normal manual testing or Quality assurance. It is just a extra step as far as testing is concerned.

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