Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cloud Computing and what is it?

what exactly is cloud computing? It's also called Cloud Technology sometimes. Please help! Our teacher is making us start it after spring break.Cloud Computing and what is it?
You probably already use Cloud Computing, since all it means is web-hosted applications. If you use Gmail or Yahoo mail, then in a sense you are using cloud computing. Better examples are using hosted world processing like Essentially, if you are using a web-based program, rather than one that runs on your machine, that's cloud computing. The software application is accessed through your web browser rather than on your machine. Its nothing to be concerned about.

There's nothing new about cloud computing, but the term is being misused a lot and thrown around like its a "new development". It really isn't but Internet consultants and others have to do something to maintain hype and keep themselves in business. One example where its often misused is when people refer to online backup as cloud computing. And if anyone ever tells you its a "new paradign" then that person probably wants to charge you thousands of dollars for their sage wisdom :-)

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