Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Difference between web application and Cloud computing service?

what is the difference between web application and Cloud computing service??Difference between web application and Cloud computing service?
Web application is just a small part of cloud computing. Any application (which you can run on your home PC or laptop) processing on server like Google earth or for that matter any GUI oriented site running on browser is Web app.

Now on the other hand, Cloud computing is computer resource providing type of utility computing. You can Buy or Get Software, Platform or even processing from cloud. You ask for resources from Web app, at the back your work will be done by a massive collection of servers and computers (which is cloud)

Think - Where does your mail and attachments go? Are they kept on your computer? Who manages it?Difference between web application and Cloud computing service?
You cannot differentiate between these two concepts..

Cloud computing is lending a service(storage) as per the requirement of the user..


web application is the platform through which the service is being used..

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