Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is Cloud Computing?

What is clod computing?Is it technology r anyother?And what is the impotance of Cloud Computing?Can anyone tell about this?What is Cloud Computing?
Definitions of Cloud computing on the Web:

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on-demand, like electricity.

Computing in which services and storage are provided over the Internet (or "cloud")

a technology used to access services offered on the Internet cloud. Everything an informatics system has to offer is provided as a service, so users can access these services available on the “Internet cloud” without having any previous know-how (or at least not as an expert) on managing the ...…

On-demand self-service Internet infrastructure where you pay-as-you-go and use only what you need, all managed by a browser, application or API. Cloud computing is broken up into multiple segments including: Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Platforms and Cloud Applications. (see "Cloud Pyramid")…

The use of a Web services such as Flickr, Google Docs, Jing (video screencapture service) to perform the functions that were traditionally done with software installed on an individual computer.…

A new generation of computing that utilizes distant servers for data storage and management, allowing the device to use smaller and more efficient chips that consume less energy than standard computers.

you cannot go wrong with these links;defl=……

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